TEDxBend Women 2017

Date November 3, 2024Time 5:30-8 pmLocation Redmond Technology Education Center | RTEC @ COCC

We are mothers, daughters, sisters, partners, friends. We are executives, entrepreneurs, artists and volunteers. We are loyal, trusting, trustworthy and inclusive. We are intuitive, collaborative, nimble and resilient. We are a powerful community. Our traditionally feminine traits have the power to affect change in our relationships, our local community, our global societies and the economy. We bring our unique capacities to bear for the collective good. We seek the curious and the brave.

TEDxBendWomen gathers Central Oregon’s community for women to connect, dream forward and build bridges. This year, we’ll present one full curated session of recorded talks (approximately 90 minutes of amazing talks!) from the national TEDWomen Conference in New Orleans as a catalyst for our local action, followed by small group conversations over dessert.
November 3, 2024 at the COCC Technology Center in Redmond.

Doors Open 5:00 pm

Event starts at 5:30 PM

Coffee and light desserts provided; feel free to bring your own dinner. Open to Women and Men!!

Sparked by the celebrated TED conferences worldwide, TEDxBend is our very own locally organized event featuring a dozen talks, demonstrations and performances under 18 minutes each. TED and TEDxBend are 501(c)(3) nonprofits devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading.